Friday, April 04, 2008

Amazing Potter and Etsy store owner

I just purchased two pieces of pottery - salt shakers, to be exact - and I want to tell you about my experience!

I visited a shop on called Studio Elan and the images of the pottery just took my breath away. I loved the salt shakers (makes sense, since I've painted so many apples and pears, huh?). LOOK at these!!

The owner, and potter, Eleanor Hendriks, answer a bazillion questions for me before I made the purchase. She communicated with me precisely when the purchase was due to be shipped. She answered my questions regarding approximate arrival date. Then, yesterday, the happy day arrived! The packaging was well done; secure and compact. The pottery well protected. When I unwrapped the actual pieces, and held them in my hands, and watched the light bounce off the finish, and marvelled at the detail - - ohhhhh. It was Christmas in April! Bruce exclaimed, "WOW. Those are BEAUTIFUL!" Pretty cool, coming from a very picky collector of salt/pepper shakers and grinders.

I'm so thrilled with my purchase. I want the world to know about this stellar Etsy seller, artist, and my new favorite place to buy gifts!

Thank you, Eleanor, for being a fine artist, a superb business owner, and a great representative of all things fine at Etsy. You make me proud to be a member of the Etsy community (to see my Etsy shop - click here).
Have you had great shopping experiences at Etsy? We'd love to hear from you. Comment on this blog and we'll spread the love.