I am thrilled to be in McKinney, Texas and to find great people interested in and enthusiastic about helping me make Creative Living Workshops available here. (I must also say I am so very grateful for the warmth and sunshine!).
Joanne Osborne of YogaUnity in downtown McKinney has generously opened one of the rooms in her Yoga Studio for (at least) two sessions this summer. The studio is at 104 1/2 N. Tennessee, directly across from the McKinney Performing Arts Center. The sessions are:
Tuesdays - July 6 - Sept 21 from 12:30 - 2:00
Sundays - Aug 1 - Oct 17 from 2:00 - 3:30
I fully expect each session to fill to over-flowing, so stay tuned (or contact me if you want to be notified) for additional sessions to be scheduled.
These workshops will be based on Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, as the primary text. The cost is $300 ($25/week for 12 weeks).
It is my intention to host 4 workshops a week as I get "out there" and get to know people, I am confident more workshops will be in the making - and soon. I am not sitting still any longer than meditation and Morning Pages require so expect to see much more from me - and SOON.
Want to know more? Send me a note and I will send you the brochure. If you'd like to talk to me, indicate that (and send your phone number) in your note.
July 6 ... just 3 weeks from today. See you there!